domenica 29 gennaio 2017

Giveaway: DxO Optics Pro 9 Elite Edition for WIN and MAC Free

Automatically enhance your RAW and JPEG images, thanks to the power and precision of DxO Optics Pro. Effectively remove noise, optimize exposure & contrast, boost colors, enhance details and quickly get rid of lens distortion & perspective issues.



Fast, intuitive and powerful. Thanks to the preliminary laboratory characterization of thousands of camera/lens combinations, DxO Optics Pro’s automatic corrections are perfectly tailored not only to your equipment, but to the content of each of your photos.


Giveaway: linklinklinklink

Download: DxO_OpticsPro9_Setup.exemirrorDxO_OpticsPro9.dmgmirror

Giveaway: DxO Optics Pro 9 Elite Edition for WIN and MAC Free

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